21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the Agenda be approved.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the Council minutes of September 28, 2022 be adopted.

Re: Quarterly Board Communication

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Correspondence Item 7.1 on Open meeting agenda of October 12, 2022 be received.


  1. That Report No. CP 2022-366 be received as information;
  2. And further, that Report No. CP 2022-366 be circulated to all Area Municipal CAOs and Clerks for distribution to their respective Councils and staff.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CP 2022-366, titled “Regulatory Proposals - Conservation Authorities Act - Transition Plans and Agreements for Programs and Services”, be adopted.


  1. That Oxford County Council receive the submission comments in response to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s consultation papers for a proposed federal plastics registry and accurate labelling rules for recycling and composting of plastic items as outlined in Report No. PW 2022-45.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. PW 2022-45, titled “Proposed Federal Plastics Registry and Rules for Accurate Labelling of Plastic Items”, be adopted.


  1. That amendments to the Disposal of Land Policy No. 6.15, as attached to Report No. CS 2022-31, be approved and updated in the County’s General Policy Manual, effective October 12, 2022.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. CS 2022-31, titled “Disposal of Land Policy Amendments”, be adopted.


  1. That Schedule “A” to By-law No. 4889-2007, being a by-law to impose fees and charges for services provided by the County of Oxford that are not covered through direct taxation, be amended, effective January 1, 2023, as set out in Report No. CS 2022-32 entitled “Fees and Charges By-law Update”.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. CS 2022-32, titled “Fees and Charges By-law Update”, be adopted.



Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council rise and go into a Closed Session to consider Report No. HS (CS) 2022-07 regarding a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

Time  ________

Closed Session Begins


Time  ________

HS (CS) 2022-07


Closed Session Ends


Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council reconvene in Open Session.

Time  ________

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. HS (CS) 2022-07 be adopted.



Being a by-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. 

Proposed Resolutions:

Resolved that By-law No. 6474-2022 be now read a first and second time.

Resolved that By-law No. 6474-2022 be now given a third and final reading.