21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the Agenda be approved.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the Council minutes of June 8, 2022 be adopted.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council rise and go into a Public Meeting pursuant to the Planning Act, and that the Warden chair the public meeting.

Time  ________

To amend the Central Business District policies that prohibit free standing residential development immediately adjacent to Thames Street, without a ground floor commercial component, to enable the construction of a triplex on the subject lands municipally known as 157 Thames Street North, Ingersoll.

* See Report No. CP 2022-256

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council adjourn the Public Meeting and reconvene as Oxford County Council with the Warden in the chair.

Time  ________

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CP 2022-256, titled "Application for Official Plan Amendment OP 22-02-6 - 2748058 Ontario Inc.", be adopted.

Jeff Surridge, CEO Community Employment Services
Karen Oldroyd, Program Manager, Settlement Services
Re: Local support for Ukrainians fleeing their homeland

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the delegation from Welcome to Oxford Settlement Services be received;

And further, that Oxford County Council support profiling the need for host families and encourage community members who can to get involved;

And further, that Oxford County's local municipal councils be requested to support the promotion of a common web portal, which once released, will accept expressions of interest for hosting Ukraine families.

Chris Eby and Janini Jones
Re: Gap Food Store

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the delegation from the Women's Employment Resource Centre, the Muslim Group of Oxford and The Community Free Table regarding a gap food store be received.

June 15, 2022
Re: Possible 2022 additional levy

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the correspondence from Southwestern Public Health dated June 15, 2022 informing of a potential interim additional 2022 levy being imposed to fund cashflow pressures related to COVID-19 response expenditures until the costs are reimbursed by the Ministry of Health be received;

And further, that County Council authorizes the County’s portion of the interim additional levy in the amount of $2,219,015 be funded by the General Reserve, if required;

And further, that if the additional funds are requested and transferred to Southwestern Public Health, that they be requested to refund the interim additional levy to the County immediately upon receipt of the Ministry of Health’s reimbursement of Southwestern Public Health’s COVID-19 response related expenditures;

And further, that the County write to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Minister of Health to express our concern of this cash flow situation and its effect of applying pressure to SWPH cash flow during this time when their focus needs to be on vaccination work.


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application No. OP 22-02-6, submitted by 2748058 Ontario Inc. for lands described as Part Lot 9A, Block 87, Plan 279, Town of Ingersoll to establish a site specific policy for lands within the Central Business District designation that would permit a free standing multiple unit residential development immediately adjacent to Thames Street, without a ground floor commercial component, to enable the construction of a triplex on the subject lands;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 276 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 276 be raised.

* See Item 5.3



  1. That County Council receive Report No. CAO 2022-07, entitled ‘Master Housing Strategy Update – Housing Needs Assessment’, as information;
  2. And further, that Report No. CAO 2022-07 be circulated to the Area Municipalities for information purposes.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CAO 2022-07, titled “Master Housing Strategy Update – Housing Needs Assessment”, be adopted.


  1. That Oxford County Council direct staff to proceed to implement Centralized service delivery of water distribution and wastewater collection operations and maintenance, in order to further optimize operational levels of service, service continuity/redundancy and cost efficiencies as detailed in Report No. PW 2022-32 as follows:  
    1. Provide the Town of Tillsonburg and City of Woodstock formal written notice (June 23, 2022) that the current water distribution and sewage collection operations and maintenance service contract agreements will be terminated by Oxford County in six (January 1, 2023) and eighteen (January 1, 2024) months respectively as part of overall phased service transitions to Oxford County Water and Wastewater Services (effective on the same respective dates);  
    2. Establish and assign a service transition team to effectively facilitate communications, change management, human resources and administrative activities associated with the implementation of the Centralized water distribution and wastewater collection operations and maintenance service delivery model;  
    3. Apply Year 1 Operations and Maintenance savings as appropriate to offset any necessary costs that may be potentially incurred by Woodstock and/or Tillsonburg during the transition from Status Quo service delivery model (i.e. Human Resources/re-employment, stranded assets, etc.);  
  2. And further, that County Council direct staff to finalize and execute updated engineering services contract agreements with the Town of Tillsonburg and City of Woodstock by September 23, 2022 to ensure the continued joint capital planning coordination and harmonization of County water distribution and wastewater projects with local municipal roadwork projects.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. PW 2022-32, titled “2018-2020 Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Service Delivery Review – Outcomes and Recommendations”, be adopted.


  1. That County Council receive Report No. PW 2022-33, entitled “2021 Curbside Waste Audit and Organics Resource Recovery Technology Review”, as information.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. PW 2022-33, titled “2021 Curbside Waste Audit and Organics Resource Recovery Technology Review”, be adopted.


  1. That County Council receive Report No. HS 2022-03, entitled “Canada Wide Early Learning Child Care Agreement”, as information.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. HS 2022-03, titled “Canada Wide Early Learning Child Care Agreement”, be adopted.


  1. That County Council hereby authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a letter of support for a funding application to be submitted by South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) under the National Trade Corridors Fund, regarding the Cayuga Subdivision Short Line Rail Revitalization Project, as outlined in Report No. CS 2022-23;
  2. And further, that subject to approval of SCOR EDC’s application for funding from the National Trade Corridors Fund, County Council approves a funding contribution of $150,000 to leverage the Cayuga Subdivision Short Line Rail Revitalization project, to be funded by the General Reserve;
  3. And further, that SCOR EDC be required to provide County Council with regular progress reports regarding this regionally significant project, not less than on a quarterly basis.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CS 2022-23, titled “South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation Request for Support of National Trade Corridors Fund Application”, be adopted.


  1. That a CAO Recruitment Ad Hoc Committee be established for the purpose of developing a proposed strategy and path forward to fill the upcoming vacancy;
  2. And further, that the Warden, Deputy Warden, and Councillors ____________, ____________, ____________ be appointed to the CAO Recruitment Ad Hoc Committee, with the Director of Human Resources and CAO participating as staff resources;
  3. And further, that a report from the Ad Hoc Committee be presented at the August 10, 2022 County Council Meeting seeking Council direction on the proposed recruitment strategy and path forward;
  4. And further, that the Ad Hoc Committee be disbanded at the end of the current term of County Council.  

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. HR 2022-05, titled “Recruitment of Chief Administrative Officer”, be adopted;

And further, that the Warden, Deputy Warden, and Councillors ____________________, ____________________, and ____________________ be appointed to the CAO Recruitment Ad Hoc Committee along with the Director of Human Resources and CAO participating as staff resources.


Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council rise and go into a Closed Session to consider Report No. CAO(CS) 2022-08 and HR(CS) 2022-04 regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the County or local board and regarding labour relations or employee negotiations.

Time  ________

Closed Session Begins

Time  ________

CAO (CS) 2022-08

HR (CS) 2022-04

Closed Session Ends

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council reconvene in Open Session.

Time  ________

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CAO (CS) 2022-08 be adopted.

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. HR (CS) 2022-04 be adopted.


Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 276 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.

Proposed Resolutions:

Resolved that by-laws 6444-2022 and 6445-2022 be now read a first and second time.

Resolved that by-laws 6444-2022 and 6445-2022 be now given a third and final reading.