21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

August 3, 2023
Re: 2024 Oxford County Water and Wastewater Master Plan Study

August 17, 2023
Re: Asset Management Support Tools and Programs for Municipalities


  1. That Oxford County grant draft plan approval to a proposed condominium submitted by Reeves Land Corporation (File No. CD 22-02-6), prepared by Brooks Lise Surveying Limited, dated July 13, 2023, for lands described as Block 85, Registered Plan 41M-342, in the Town of Ingersoll;
  2. And further, that Oxford County Council approve the application for exemption from the draft plan of condominium approval process submitted by Reeves Land Corporation (File No. CD 22-02-6), prepared by Brooks Lise Surveying Limited, dated July 13, 2023, for lands described as Block 85, Registered Plan 41M-342, in the Town of Ingersoll.




  1.  That Report No. CAO 2023-03 entitled “2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan” be received;
  2. And further, that Council approves the final version of the 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan as attached in Attachment 1.


  1. That County Council approve the Lansdowne Avenue Trunk Sanitary Sewer Design (Woodstock) as part of the 2023 Capital Budget;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize the transfer of $100,000 from the Wastewater - Woodstock Reserve to fund the planned design costs.




  1. That Oxford County Council support Alternative 3 for traffic and construction staging ahead of the anticipated rehabilitation of bridge 59755 located at Oxford Road 59 and Vansittart Avenue in Woodstock to begin in early 2024, as described in Report No. PW 2023-37.


  1. That County Council receive Report No. HS 2023-14, entitled “24/7 Shelter Model Update and Strategy for Pathways out of Homelessness” as information;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize up to $125,000 from the Affordable Housing Reserve to be used for the purposes of retaining a consultant for the development of a Strategy in support of pathways out of homelessness to work alongside the 24/7 Shelter Model;
  3. And further, that Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Human Services to sign all necessary documents related thereto.


  1. That Schedule “A” to By-law No. 4889-2007, being a by-law to impose fees and charges for services provided by the County of Oxford that are not covered through direct taxation, be amended effective January 1, 2024, with the exception of haircare fees which will no longer apply as of October 13, 2023, as set out in Report No. CS 2023-27 entitled “Fees and Charges By-law Update”.


  1. That By-law No. 6568-2023, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of funds from the Landfill and Waste Diversion Reserve Fund in the amount of $15,960 to be used for the purposes of financing property owners’ charges for capital costs related to the Lansdowne Ave Watermain Extension Project, be presented to Council for enactment.


  1. That Report No. CS 2023-29 entitled “Economic Development Group Recommendations” be received; 
  2. And further, that staff be directed to facilitate annual Economic Development forums to advance collaboration and seek enhanced service delivery as it relates to local economic development that will encourage participation from the following:
  • Local Economic Development Offices
  • The Small Business Centre
  • Community Futures Oxford
  • Community Employment Services/Multi-Service Centre
  • Tourism Oxford
  • Director or designate from Oxford County, including
    • CAO
    • Human Services
    • Community Planning
    • Public Works
    • Corporate Services.



To consider Report No. PW (CS) 2023-39, Report No. HS (CS) 2023-15 and Report No. HS (CS) 2023-16 regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of lands by the County or local board and positions, plans, procedures, criteria or instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

Closed Session Begins


Time  ________

PW (CS) 2023-39


HS (CS) 2023-15


HS (CS) 2023-16


Closed Session Ends


Time  ________



Being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of funds from the Landfill and Waste Diversion Reserve Fund in the amount of $15,960 to be used for the purposes of financing property owners’ charges for capital costs related to water services provided under the Lansdowne Ave Watermain Extension Project (the “Services”).

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.