Whereas the 24/7 wrap around care model delivered by Operation Sharing in Woodstock has improved services in the emergency shelter model, and;
Whereas Oxford County’s participation has been valuable in the expansion of Operation Sharing to a 24/7 model, and;
Whereas the business model of Operation Sharing has expanded requiring the relationship between Oxford County and Operation Sharing be further defined for stabilization of service delivery;
Therefore be it resolved that staff return a report outlining:
- A Memorandum of Understanding between Oxford County and Operation Sharing defining service delivery roles
- The defined operational and capital funding relationships of both parties
- The progress and efforts that have been made in exploring a potential permanent location for these services, with support from the City of Woodstock and other applicable community organizations
- A possible agreement template for similar uses throughout the County, with other similar community groups
And that County staff commit to continuing efforts to assist in exploring a potential permanent location for these services, in partnership with the City of Woodstock and other applicable community organizations, to ensure continued service delivery.