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Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the Agenda be approved.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council rise and go into a Public Meeting pursuant to the Planning Act, and that the Warden chair the Public Meeting.

Time  ________

The intent of the Official Plan Amendment is to re-designate the subject lands from ‘Open Space’ to ‘Low Density Residential’ to facilitate the development of 8 lots for single detached dwellings and 5 lots that will each accommodate a semi-detached dwelling (10 dwelling units total) on the subject lands. The proposed draft plan will also include a reserve block which contains a sanitary trunk sewer in the Town of Ingersoll.

* See Report No. CP 2021-343

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council adjourn the Public Meeting and reconvene as Oxford County Council with the Warden in the chair.

Time  ________

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CP 2021-343, titled "Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Plan of Subdivision OP 21-02-6; SB 21-01-6 - Erie Thames Powerlines Corporation", be adopted.


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application No. OP 21-02-6, submitted by Erie Thames Powerlines Corporation on behalf of Reeves Realty Corporation for lands described as Part of Park Lots 6A to 8A, Block 3, Plan 279 and Parts 2 & 3, Plan 41R-6739, Town of Ingersoll to redesignate the subject lands from ‘Open Space’ to ‘Low Density Residential’, to facilitate a proposed draft plan of subdivision;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 264 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 264 be raised;
  4. And further, that Oxford County Council grant draft approval to the proposed residential subdivision submitted by Erie Thames Powerlines Corporation on behalf of Reeves Realty Corporation (SB 21-01-6) prepared by Brooks & Muir Surveying, dated March 3, 2021, for lands described as Part of Park Lots 6A to 8A, Block 3, Plan 279 and Parts 2 & 3, Plan 41R6739, in the Town of Ingersoll, subject to the conditions attached to this report as Schedule “A” being met prior to final approval.

* See Item 5.3


  1. That By-law No. 6396-2021, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of money to meet current expenditures of the County of Oxford for the 2022 fiscal year, be presented to Council for enactment.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. CS 2021-55, titled “Borrowing By-law – 2022”, be adopted.


  1. That the 2022 Oxford County Business Plans be adopted as amended;
  2. And further, that Oxford County Council approves the 2022 Budget with a general purpose levy of $ _______________;
  3. And further, that Oxford County Council approves a 2022 special levy for Library purposes in the amount of $4,061,003, levied against all area municipalities with the exception of the City of Woodstock;
  4. And further, that Oxford County Council approves a 2022 special levy to fund a Woodstock Police Services Grant for court security and prisoner transportation services in the amount of $51,541, levied against all area municipalities with the exception of the City of Woodstock;
  5. And further, that the following grant requests, totalling $_______________ , be included in the 2022 general purpose levy:
    • Agricultural Award of Excellence  $____________
      Oxford Connection - Economic Development  $____________
      Oxford County Physician Recruitment $____________
      Tillsonburg Airport $____________
      Oxford Creative Connections $____________
      Social Planning Council Oxford $___________
      The Small Business Centre $____________
      North Oxford Intercommunity Bus Transit $____________
      St. Mary’s General Hospital $____________
      Oxford County Youth Initiatives $____________
  6. And further, that the following grant request be funded under the Oxford County Youth Initiatives grant:
    • Oxford Invitational Youth Robotics Challenge $______________;
  7. And further, that a by-law to adopt the estimated expenditures for the year 2022 as set out in Report No. CS 2021-56, subject to amendments, be presented to Council for enactment at their regular meeting scheduled for January 12, 2022;
  8. And further, that staff be authorized to proceed with implementing the incremental full-time equivalent positions as presented in the Full-time Equivalent Plan attached to Report No. CS 2021-56 upon the passing of the aforementioned by-law.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CS 2021-56, titled “2022 Business Plans and Budget”, be adopted as amended.

Report No. CS 2021-46, titled 2022 Business Plans and Budget was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 10, 2021.

Report No. CS 2021-48, titled 2022 Oxford County Library Business Plan and Budget was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 10, 2021.

Report No. CS 2021-49 titled 2022 Court Security Grant Levy was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 10, 2021.

Report No. CS (CS) 2021-47 [Closed Session document], was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 10, 2021.

Being a By-law to authorize the borrowing of money to meet current expenditures of the Council of the County of Oxford (the "Municipality")


Councillor Ryan gave notice (NM1 - 20211116) on November 16, 2021 that he will move the following motion as an amendment to the 2022 Business Plan and Budget at the Budget meeting specifically identified for Budget debate (December 8, 2021):

Resolved that the following grants be included in the 2022 budget:
- Oxford Creative Connections - $60,000
- Social Planning Council Oxford - $65,000
- North Oxford Inter-community Bus Transit - $22,500
- Oxford County Youth Initiatives - $15,000
- Agricultural Award of Excellence - $2,000
- Economic Development (Oxford Connection) - $50,000
- Economic Development (Physician Recruitment) - $30,000
- Small Business Centre - $50,000

Councillor Mayberry gave notice (NM2 - 20211129) on November 29, 2021 that he will move the following motion as an amendment to the 2022 Business Plan and Budget at the Budget meeting specifically identified for Budget debate (December 8, 2021):

Whereas in the County of Oxford, housing is an upper tier responsibility;

And whereas with approximately 2,400 people on the County's waiting list for housing assistance, there is clear need for more housing across the housing continuum;

Therefore be it resolved that the housing portion of the Human Services budget be increased by $1.5 million with 50% coming from taxation this year and 50% coming from reserves and/or the sale of surplus county lands;

And further, that staff bring forward a report on how this additional funding could be maximized across the housing continuum in the first quarter of 2022;

And further that area municipalities be asked to re-examine any available municipally owned land for potential housing sites;

And further that the Warden and Council advocate to both the Provincial and Federal governments for matching partnership funding to maximize the County's commitment to addressing our housing and homelessness situation.

Councillor Peterson gave notice (NM3 - 20211203) on December 3, 2021 that he will move the following motion as an amendment to the 2022 Business Plan and Budget at the Budget meeting specifically identified for Budget debate (December 8, 2021):

Whereas the “North Oxford Intercommunity Bus Transit Grant” commitment approved under Report No. PW 2020-51 has not proceeded on the timeline as proposed, therefore an agreement with the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock has not been executed and the 2021 grant was not expended;

And whereas the 2022 grant commitment was intended to assist in funding operational costs related to the project;

Be it resolved that the 2022 North Oxford Intercommunity Bus Transit grant in the amount of $22,500 be removed from the 2022 budget.

See Sections 5 and 4.1 of Procedure By-law No. 6268-2020

A one-year term for the position of Deputy Warden and a nomination date of December 8, 2021 were decided on by open vote at the Inaugural Meeting held December 11, 2018.

Proposed Resolutions:

Resolved that Council proceed to elect a Deputy Warden in accordance with Section 5 of Oxford County Procedure By-law No. 6268-2020 and Resolution No. 6 dated January 9, 2019 resolving that the term of office for the position of Deputy Warden be one year with subsequent nomination dates to occur on December 11, 2019, December 9, 2020 and December 8, 2021.

Resolved that  ___________________________  be nominated for the position of Deputy Warden for the term 2022.

Resolved that nominations for the Office of the Deputy Warden be closed.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council rise and go into a Closed Session to consider Report No. PW (CS) 2021-39 regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the County or local board.

Time  ________

Closed Session Begins

Time  ________

PW (CS) 2021-39

Closed Session Ends

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council reconvene in Open session.

Time  ________

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. PW (CS) 2021-39 be adopted.


Being a By-law to authorize the borrowing of money to meet current expenditures of the Council of the County of Oxford (the "Municipality")

Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 264 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-Law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control.

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed

Proposed Resolutions:

Resolved that the following by-laws be now read a first and second time: 6396-2021 to 6399-2021 inclusive.

Resolved that the following by-laws be now given a third and final reading: 6396-2021 to 6399-2021 inclusive.