21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

The purpose of this report is to consider the conversion of an existing townhouse development from rental units to condominium ownership and draft plan approval of a plan of condominium on lands municipally known as 655 Northdale Drive, in the City of Woodstock.

* See Report CP 2024-214

The application for draft plan of subdivision proposes the creation of ten residential lots for townhouse dwellings and one block for a private condominium road in the Village of Thamesford.

* See Report CP 2024-228

The Official Plan Amendment proposes to designate additional lands within the Village of Thamesford identified as a ‘Special Policy Area Requiring Secondary Planning’ for residential use and to expand the current Village boundary for similar purposes. Specifically, the lands are proposed to be designated ‘Low Density Residential’ and ‘Medium Density Residential’ to facilitate a range of housing types in Thamesford.

* See Report CP 2024-230

Kate Burns Gallagher, Executive Director
Re: 2024-2025 Strategic Priorities

Resident of Embro on behalf of concerned residents of Zorra Township
Re: Intersection of Oxford Road 6 and Road 96 (Oxford Road 28)

July 3, 2024
Re: Planning Act and Development Charges Act Regulations related to the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application CD 23-02-8, submitted by Graham, Brian and Robert Louis Reid (File No. CD 23-02-8), prepared by Callon Dietz Inc. Ontario Land Surveyors for lands described as Lot 42, Plan 579, in the City of Woodstock, subject to the following conditions of draft plan approval:


    1. This approval applies to the draft plan of condominium, submitted by Graham, Brian and Robert Louis Reid (File CD 23-02-8) comprising land described as Lot 42, Plan 579, City of Woodstock, showing 9 residential units;
    2. The recommendations of the Building Condition Report be implemented to the satisfaction of the City Building Department;
    3. That the owner provides a reserve fund study, completed to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock Building Department; and
    4. Prior to signing the final plan for registration, the County of Oxford shall be advised by the City of Woodstock that Conditions 2 and 3 have been addressed, to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each condition has been satisfied.

* See Item 5.2


  1. That Oxford County Council grant draft approval to the proposed residential plan of subdivision, Application SB 2-01-05 submitted by Hogg Excavating & Construction Ltd., for lands described as Part Lots 5, 6 & 7, Park Lot 8, Registered Plan 45, Part of Lot 22, Concession 1 (North Dorchester), and municipally known as 183 Brock Street, in the Village of Thamesford, subject to the conditions attached to this report as Schedule “A” being met prior to final approval;


  2. And further, that Oxford County Council approve Application CD 24-01-5, submitted by Hogg Excavating & Construction Ltd., for lands described as Part Lots 5, 6 & 7, Park Lot 8, Registered Plan 45, Part of Lot 22, Concession 1 (North Dorchester), and municipally known as 183 Brock Street, in the Village of Thamesford for draft approval of a proposed condominium;


  3. And further, that Council approve the application for exemption from the draft plan of condominium approval process submitted by Hogg Excavating & Construction Ltd. (File No. CD 24-01-5), prepared by MacAulay, White & Muir for lands described as Part Lots 5, 6 & 7, Park Lot 8, Registered Plan 45, Part of Lot 22, Concession 1 (North Dorchester), and municipally known as 183 Brock Street, in the Village of Thamesford, as all development matters have been addressed through the site plan approval process.

* See Item 5.3


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application No. OP 21-14-5, submitted by GSP Group., for lands described as North ½ Lot 20, Concession 1 (North Dorchester), Parts 1-3, RP 41R-1677, municipally known as 682776 Road 68, to expand the Village of Thamesford by including an additional area comprising approximately 4.4 ha (10.87 ac), and to redesignate the entirety of the subject lands from Agricultural Reserve and ‘Special Policy Area Requiring Secondary Planning’ to ‘Low Density Residential’ and ‘Medium Density Residential’;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 321 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 321 be raised.
* See Item 5.4


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application CD 24-02-8, submitted by 1000641111 Ontario Inc and Oxford Standard Condominium Plan No. 109 for lands described as Oxford Condominium Plan 109, Part of Block B, Plan M-13, in the City of Woodstock for draft approval of a proposed condominium;
  2. And further, that Council approve the application for exemption from the draft plan of condominium approval process submitted by 1000641111 Ontario Inc and Oxford Standard Condominium Plan No. 109 (File No. CD 24-02-8), prepared by Callon Dietz Inc Ontario Land Surveyors for lands described as Oxford Condominium Plan 109, Part of Block B, Plan M-13, in the City of Woodstock.




  1. That County Council receive and support the Advocacy Framework as attached to Report CAO 2024-05 entitled “Advocacy Framework”;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Manager of Strategic Initiatives and Intergovernmental Relations to implement the Advocacy Framework on behalf of County Council, liaising and obtaining input from Council as necessary.


  1. That County Council authorize the allocation of up to $1.15 million in development and $500,000 in annual operating (totaling $1.65 million) from the Human Services Budget, through New Initiative 2024-10 – Homelessness Response Strategy, to support the creation of up to 20 Transitional/Supportive housing beds, across three projects, as follows:


    1. Up to $150,000 in development and up to $190,000 in annual operating, to support a five-bed transitional home at 141 King Solomon Street, Ingersoll, owned and operated by CMHA Thames Valley Addiction & Mental Health Services (CMHA);
    2. Up to $500,000 in development and up to $160,000 in annual operating, to support a five-bed transitional home at a future location in Ingersoll, owned and operated by United Way Oxford/Oxford County Community Health Centre (OCCHC), subject to acquiring an appropriately zoned property by February 28, 2025;
    3. Up to $500,000 in development and up to $150,000 in annual operating, to support a ten-bed transitional home at a future location in Woodstock, owned and operated by Assisted Living Care Homes (100045179 Ontario Inc.), subject to acquiring an appropriately zoned property by February 28, 2025.


  2. And further, that County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Human Services to execute Municipal Housing Facilities Agreements and all other necessary documents related to the proposed housing projects owned and operated by CMHA, United Way Oxford/OCCHC and Assisted Living Care Homes;


  3. And further, that County Council authorize the allocation of up to $60,000 from the Human Services Budget, through New Initiative 2024-10 – Homelessness Response Strategy, for legal services related to the proposed projects contained in this report.


  1. That County Council adopt the targets established within the updated Energy Management Plan, dated July 1, 2024, as attached to Report PW 2024-25 entitled “2024-2028 Energy Management Plan”;
  2. And further, that County Council supports in principle the related initiatives outlined within the updated Energy Management Plan, dated July 1, 2024, recognizing that implementation will be considered by Council as part of the annual Business Plan and Budget approval process;
  3. And further, that County Council authorize staff to make the Plan available to the public on the County’s website and in print form at the Oxford County Administration Building.


  1. That County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Public Works to execute an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation (for the Province of Ontario), to allow staff to proceed with the future design and construction of intersection improvements at Oxford Road 4 and Oxford Road 15 in the City of Woodstock;


  2. And further, that County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Public Works to execute an agreement with MEL (WOODSTOCK 1) INC. / MEL (WOODSTOCK 2) INC, to allow staff to proceed with the future design and construction of intersection improvements at Oxford Road 4 and Oxford Road 15 in the City of Woodstock.


  1. That County Council award a contract to the lowest complaint bidder, Viewcon Construction Limited, in the amount of $1,225,671 (excluding HST) for the Phase 2 Reconstruction of Oxford Road 9 (Ingersoll Road – Woodstock);
  2. And further, that County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Public Works to sign all documents related hereto.


  1. That By-law No. 6643-2024, being a by-law to authorize the funding sources and mandatory connection for the County Road 4 Water Services Extension Project, be presented to Council for enactment.


  1. That Schedule “A” to By-law 4890-2007, being a by-law to establish a Delegation of Powers and Duties Policy, be amended as attached to Report CS 2024-21, effective July 10, 2024.


  1. That County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Corporate Services to execute a Municipal Funding Agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for the transfer of funds under the Administrative Agreement for the Canada Community-Building Fund.



Re: South Central Ontario Rural Economic Development Corporation (SCOR)

Whereas Oxford County has been a funding partner of SCOR since its incorporation in 2010;

And whereas County Council has a responsibility to its citizens to make sure that tax dollars are used in an efficient and effective manner;

And whereas, recognizing that as a regional economic promoter, it may be difficult for SCOR to provide an accurate assessment of the economic value for dollars invested for any individual funding partner;

Therefore be it resolved that Oxford County SCOR Directors be asked to work with County Corporate Services Director (or designate) to provide Council with a high level assessment and opinion of the value of Oxford County continuing to be a funding partner in SCOR;

And further that this report be provided to Council before county budget presentation and deliberations begin for the 2025 Business Plan and Budget. 

To consider Reports WDFL (CS) 2024-05 and PW (CS) 2024-28 regarding labour relations or employee negotiations and a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the County or local board.

Closed Session Begins


WDFL (CS) 2024-05


PW (CS) 2024-28


Closed Session Ends




Being a by-law to mandate connection to and impose the cost of the water distribution system upon owners of lands within the designated area, referred to as the “Oxford Road 4 Water Services Extension Project”.

Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 321 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.

No Item Selected