21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

Proposal to re-designate the lands from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, to facilitate a three storey, 43 unit apartment building on lands municipally known as 175 Springbank Ave. North, in the City of Woodstock.


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application OP 23-02-8, initiated by the County of Oxford, for lands legally described as Lots 363-366 & 514-517, Plan 827, in the City of Woodstock, to redesignate the subject lands from ‘Low Density Residential’ to ‘Medium Density Residential’ to facilitate the development of a 3 storey, 43 unit apartment building on the subject lands;  
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 296 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;  
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 296 be raised.

* See Item 5.3


  1. That the Director of Community Planning, in consultation with other County staff and stakeholders as required, prepare and submit the County of Oxford’s formal response to the Provincial consultations on the Review of A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement, as generally outlined in Report No. CP 2023-144;
  2. And further, that Report No. CP 2023-144 be circulated to the Area Municipalities for information.


  1. That Oxford County Council award a contract to the low bidder, Oxford Civil Group Inc., in the amount of $1,642,719 (excluding HST) for intersection improvements at the intersection of Oxford Road 29 and Blenheim Road;


  2. And further, that Oxford County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Public Works to sign all documents related hereto.




Regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual, including County or local board employees.

Closed Session Begins


Time  ________

CS (CS) 2023-16


Closed Session Ends


Time  ________



Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 296 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.