21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

To re-designate the subject lands from ‘Agricultural Reserve’ to ‘Industrial’ to facilitate the development of an industrial plan of subdivision that includes 4 industrial blocks, a sanitary pumping station block, a storm water management block, an open space block as well as a new municipal road on lands located on the northwest corner of Wallace Line and Robinson Road in the Town of Ingersoll.

* See Report No. CP 2023-03


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application No. OP 22-12-6, submitted by 2862083 Ontario Inc., for lands described as Part Lot 25, Concession 1 (West Oxford), in the Town of Ingersoll to redesignate the subject lands from ‘Agricultural Reserve’ and ‘Environmental Protection’ to ‘Industrial’, ‘Environmental Protection’ and ‘Open Space’, to facilitate a proposed industrial plan of subdivision. And also, that Schedule “C-3” (County of Oxford – Settlement Strategy Plan”) is amended to identify the subject lands as “Large Urban Centre”;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 289 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 289 be raised;
  4. And further, that Oxford County Council grant draft approval to the proposed industrial subdivision submitted by 2862083 Ontario Inc., (SB 22-03-6) prepared by GSP Group Inc., dated May 25, 2022, for lands described as Part Lot 25, Concession 1 (West Oxford), in the Town of Ingersoll, subject to the conditions attached to this report as Schedule “A” being met prior to registration

* See Item 5.2


  1. That Oxford County Council grant draft approval to a proposed draft plan of condominium submitted by Veranda Property Investments Inc., as prepared by Brooks & Muir Surveying, dated June 29, 2022, for lands described as Lots 293 and 341 and Part Lot 343, Plan 745 in the Village of Norwich;
  2. And further, that Oxford County Council approve the application for exemption from the draft plan of condominium approval process, submitted by Veranda Property Investments Inc., prepared by Brooks and Muir Surveying, dated June 29, 2022, for lands described as Lots 293 and 341 and Part Lot 343, Plan 745, in the Village of Norwich.


  1. That Oxford County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to submit an application to develop a minimum of 160 new long-term care beds in Ingersoll under the Province of Ontario’s Long-Term Care Home Development Program.
  2. And further, that Oxford County Council direct staff to work with the Ministry of Long-Term Care to explore additional long-term care bed needs in Oxford County, and opportunities to maximize efficiencies of existing County-operated homes through additional bed allocations.


  1. That Council receive the Woodingford Lodge “Nutritional Services Review Final Report” prepared by D&A Consulting and Associates, dated January 2023;
  2. And further, that Council direct staff to engage a consultant to create a master plan for Woodingford Lodge that meets the Provincial requirements of the “Fixing Long-Term Care Act” designed to ensure long term care services are delivered at specified levels of service;
  3. And further, that the cost of the master plan, estimated to be between $50,000 to $75,000, be funded by the Federal Restart Reserve.


  1. That County Council receive the County of Oxford Subsidized Housing Operations Optimization Review report prepared by KPMG, dated December 2, 2022;
  2. And further, that County Council direct staff to explore the recommendations made in the Report to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of subsidized housing services throughout the County;
  3. And further, that County Council direct the Director of Human Services to bring a report back to County Council in December 2023 to provide an update on recommendations made in the KPMG report.


  1. That County Council approve a 5-year lease agreement with Griffin Way Developments Inc. to establish warehousing space to support the Paramedic Services Logistics team, as outlined in Report No. PW 2023-02;
  2. And further, that the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Public Works be authorized to execute all documents related thereto.



  1. That County Council approve the Bobolink Drive Watermain Upgrades project (Tillsonburg) as part of the 2023 Capital Budget;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize the transfer of $350,000 from the Water – Tillsonburg Reserve to fund the planned design and construction works.




Regarding proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of lands by the County or local board.

Closed Session Begins


Time  ________

HS (CS) 2023-02


PW (CS) 2023-04


Closed Session Ends


Time  ________



Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 289 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a by-law to adopt the estimated expenditure for the year 2023.

Being a By-law to repeal By-law No. 5665-2015 and enact a new By-law to appoint members to the Land Division Committee. 

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.