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Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the agenda be approved.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the Council Minutes of April 28, 2021 be adopted.

Virginia Armstrong -  Manager, Woodstock BIA
Melanie Burns - Vice Chair, Woodstock BIA and Owner of At the Office
Re: Safety of Downtown Woodstock

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the information provided in the delegation from the Downtown Woodstock Business Improvement Association be received.

April 29, 2021

Re: Compliance with Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA)

May 5, 2021

Re: Oxford County Council Composition

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that correspondence items 7.1 to 7.3 on the Open meeting agenda of May 12, 2021 be received.

May 6, 2021
Re: Appointment to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Board of Directors

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that East Zorra-Tavistock Councillor Margaret Lupton be appointed to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Board of Directors representing the Townships of East Zorra-Tavistock and  Blandford-Blenheim, replacing Don Edmiston.


  1. That Report CS 2021-20 entitled “Business Plan and Budget Review – Q1 2021”, be received for information.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. CS 2021-20, titled “Business Plan and Budget Review – Q1 2021”, be adopted.


  1. That Oxford County Council receive Report No. PW 2021-20 entitled “Emergency Repairs - Oxford Road 51 (John Pound Road) Storm Sewer and Slope Stabilization Project” for information.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. PW 2021-20, titled “Emergency Repairs – Oxford Road 51 (John Pound Road) Storm Sewer and Slope Stabilization, Tillsonburg”, be adopted.


Proposed Resolution:

Whereas each of the rural wastewater systems have a unique history and operational considerations which results in individual financial implications for each system;

And whereas the fixed portion of the wastewater rates is intended to adequately fund a portion of the operating, lifecycle and future capital costs of each individual system as determined in the asset management plan; 

And whereas the County Asset Management Plan is currently being updated which is expected to impact the annual contributions determined for each of the wastewater systems;

Therefore be it resolved, that the current individually rated system remain in place pending further discussion based on the updated Asset Management Plan to be presented to council.​

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council rise and go into a Closed Session to consider Report No. HR (CS) 2021-01 and a confidential correspondence item regarding labour relations or employee negotiations and litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals affecting the County or a local board.

Closed Session Begins

Time  ________

Confidential Correspondence

Dated May 5, 2021

Delegation regarding confidential correspondence

HR (CS) 2021-01

Closed Session Ends

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council reconvene in Open Session.

Time  ________

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that confidential correspondence item 1.2 on the May 12, 2021 Closed meeting agenda be received.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. HR (CS) 2021-01 be adopted.


Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.

Proposed Resolutions:

Resolved that By-law No. 6344-2021 be now read a first and second time.

Resolved that By-law No. 6344-2021 be now given a third and final reading.