21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

To consider a draft plan of subdivision which proposes to facilitate the development of a residential plan of subdivision comprised of 640 lots for single detached dwellings, 325 townhouse dwellings, one block for future high density residential development, 4 blocks for open space, 4 park blocks, 2 stormwater management blocks, and a sanitary pumping station block, served by new minor collector and local streets on lands described as Part Lot 5, Concession 14 (East Zorra), being Parts 1, 3, 5 & 6, 41R-7650, in the City of Woodstock.  The lands front on the south side of Oxford Road 17, between 14th Line and 15th Line, and are municipally known as 745314 & 745364 Oxford Road 17.

* See Report No. CP 2023-04

To facilitate the creation of 7 lots for single detached dwellings, in a new residential plan of subdivision on lands described as Part of Lot 1606, Plan 500, Concession 5 NTR, Parts 3 & 4, 41R-9612, in the Town of Tillsonburg.  The lands are located on the west side of Young Street, between Rouse Street and Highway 3, and are known municipally as 91 Young Street, Tillsonburg.

* See Report No. CP 2023-05

December 13, 2022
Re: Appointment of Alternate Member of Council

December 12, 2022
Re: Appointment of Alternate Member of Council

December 22, 2022
Re: Draft 2023 Conservation Authority Operating Budget and Municipal Levies

December 22, 2022
Re: Bill 109, the More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 and Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster, 2022

January 4, 2023
Re: More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022

December 15, 2022
Re: Congratulations to Oxford County Council


  1. That Oxford County Council grant draft approval to a proposed residential subdivision, File No. SB 21-10-8, as submitted by Monteith Brown Planning Consultants, as shown on Plate 3 of Report No. 2023-04 and comprising Part Lot 5, Concession 14 (East Zorra), being Parts 1, 3, 5 & 6, 41R-7650 in the City of Woodstock showing 640 lots for single detached dwellings, 325 townhouse dwellings, one block for future high density residential development, 4 blocks for open space, 4 park blocks, 2 stormwater management blocks, and a sanitary pumping station block, served by an internal minor collector and local street network subject to the conditions attached to this report as Schedule “A” being met prior to final approval.

* See Item 5.2


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application OP 22-14-7, submitted by Gene Sandham, for lands described as Part of Lot 1606, Plan 500, Concession 5 NTR, Parts 3 & 4, 41R-9612 in the Town of Tillsonburg, to re-designate the subject lands from ‘Open Space’ to ‘Residential’ & ‘Low Density Residential’;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 290 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 290 be raised;
  4. And further, that Oxford County Council grant draft approval to a proposed residential subdivision, File No. SB 22-04-7, as submitted by Gene Sandham, for lands described as Part of Lot 1606, Plan 500, Concession 5 NTR, Parts 3 & 4, 41R-9612 in the Town of Tillsonburg, consisting of 7 lots for single detached dwellings, subject to the conditions attached to this report as Schedule “A” being met prior to final approval.

* See Item 5.3


  1. That Policy 7.31 be approved as presented in Attachment No.1 to Report No. HR 2023-01 entitled “Opioid Exposure/Overdose Prevention”, effective January 11, 2023.


  1. That By-law No. 6498-2023, being a by-law to appoint Robert J. Swayze as Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator for the 2023 to 2026 term of council, be presented to Council for enactment;
  2. And further, that the 2023 draft budget be amended to include a provision of up to $5,000 to cover annual retainer fees and expenses related to the aforementioned appointments;
  3. And further, that the Interim Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Corporate Services be authorized to execute agreements related thereto.


  1. That By-law No. 6496-2023, being a by-law to provide for an interim tax levy for purposes of the County of Oxford for the 2023 fiscal year, be presented to Council for enactment.


  1. That the 2023 Oxford County Business Plans be adopted as amended;
  2. And further, that Oxford County Council approves the 2023 Budget with a general purpose levy of $                 ;
  3. And further, that Oxford County Council approves a 2023 special levy for Library purposes in the amount of $_________, levied against all area municipalities with the exception of the City of Woodstock;
  4. And further, that Oxford County Council approves a 2023 special levy to fund a Woodstock Police Services Grant for court security and prisoner transportation services in the amount of $10,276, levied against all area municipalities with the exception of the City of Woodstock;
  5. And further, that the following grant requests, totalling $____________, be included in the 2023 general purpose levy:
      1. Agricultural Award of Excellence  $ ________
      2. Oxford Connection - Economic Development  $ ________
      3. Oxford County Physician Recruitment  $ ________
      4. Tillsonburg Airport  $ ________
      5. Oxford Creative Connections  $ ________
      6. Social Planning Council Oxford  $ ________
      7. The Small Business Centre  $ ________
      8. North Oxford Intercommunity Bus Transit  $ ________
      9. Woodstock Curling Centre  $ ________
      10. Oxford County Youth Initiatives  $ ________
  6. And further, that the following grant requests be funded under the Oxford County Youth Initiatives grant:
      1. Oxford Invitational Youth Robotics Challenge  $ ________
      2. International Student Exchange Ontario  $ ________
      3. Oxford Plowman’s Match  $ ________
  7. And further, that a by-law to adopt the estimated expenditures for the year 2023 as set out in Report No. CS 2023-03, subject to amendments, be presented to Council for enactment at their regular meeting scheduled for January 25, 2023;
  8. And further, that staff be authorized to proceed with implementing the incremental full-time equivalent positions as presented in the Full-time Equivalent Plan attached to Report No. CS 2023-03 upon the passing of the aforementioned by-law.

* The motions listed under the Motions section of the agenda will be brought forward to be heard during deliberation of Report No. CS 2023-03.

Report No. CS 2022-36, titled 2023 Business Plans and Budget was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 23, 2022.

Report No. CS 2022-37, titled 2023 Oxford County Library Business Plan and Budget was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 23, 2022.

Report No. CS 2022-38, titled 2023 Court Security Grant Special Tax Levy was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 23, 2022.

Report No. CS (CS) 2022-39 [Closed Session document] was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 23, 2022.



Councillor Mayberry gave notice (NM01-221205) that he will move the following motion as an amendment to the 2023 Business Plan and Budget meeting specifically identified for budget debate (January 11, 2023):

Whereas the Federal Safe Restart Funding held in reserve was intended to help Oxford County address Covid related issues;

And whereas Covid clearly demonstrated the inability of many rural areas to access services because of poor broadband capacity;

And whereas the provincial Accelerated High Speed Internet Program will not provide all Oxford County residents with access to quality high speed broadband;

Therefore be it resolved, that the 2023 Oxford County budget be amended to include an amount equal to 2% of the 2023 County Levy to be committed to enabling service providers to expand  broadband service in Oxford County rural areas identified as underserved, funded by the Safe Restart Reserve.

Councillor Mayberry gave notice (NM02-221205, as amended on December 29, 2022) that he will move the following motion as an amendment to the 2023 Business Plan and Budget meeting specifically identified for budget debate (January 11, 2023):

Whereas the need for increased investment in affordable housing for many Oxford residents is urgently required, and therefore has been identified as an urgent issue for Oxford County Council;

And whereas the Safe Restart Funding was intended to be used for challenges the County deems necessary;

Therefore be it resolved, that the 2023 Business Plan and Budget be amended to commit $1 million  to support development in Oxford County that will be subject of an agreement(s) entered into by the County for the provision of municipal capital facilities pursuant to section 110 of the Municipal Act for the purposes of increasing supply of Affordable Housing;

And further, that subject to the same conditions as the foregoing, an additional $250,000 be added to the 2023 County levy for further investment in affordable housing development;

And further that County Council establish a "base" amount in future Human Services budgets for new housing development for future "Business Plan and Budgets" at $3 million annually until directed by council to change to another amount;

And further, that Council and staff proactively and strongly advocate to upper levels of government for matching contributions on an annual basis​.

Councillor Gilvesy gave notice (NM03-230111) that she will move the following motion as an amendment to the 2023 Business Plan and Budget meeting specifically identified for budget debate (January 11, 2023):

That the new proposed FTE’s as identified in Report CS 2022-48 - Municipal Resource Impacts Resulting From Bill 23 be removed from the 2023 budget;

And further, that a report come forward to Council in Q-4 providing an assessment of the true impacts of Bill 23 on staffing workload and actual costs when the County and the lower tier Municipalities have had the opportunity to implement the requirements and provisions of this Bill.

Councillor Gilvesy gave notice (NM04-230111) that she will move the following motion as an amendment to the 2023 Business Plan and Budget meeting specifically identified for budget debate (January 11, 2023):

That the Ox on the Run Library program remain as a summer program for the year 2023.

Councillor Mayberry gave notice (NM05-230101) that he will move the following motion as an amendment to the 2023 Business Plan and Budget meeting specifically identified for budget debate (January 11, 2023):

Whereas for the past decade, the local economy has enjoyed a period of stable growth with ultra low interest rates and inflation;

And whereas the past few months has seen a significant change in the local economic environment with higher interest rates and inflation which could potentially lead to a more unstable local economic situation;

And whereas Oxford County provides funding through their business plan and budget process to support Economic Development in Oxford County to several partners to promote healthy and sustainable economic development;

And whereas the uncertainty of the current local economic climate may require some new initiatives and adjustment as to how Oxford County and our partners address Economic Development in the future;

Therefore be it resolved that as a condition of providing grants for SCOR, Oxford Connections, The Small Business Development Centre and Community Futures Oxford as outlined in the 2023 Business Plan and Budget, that the following groups be asked to create a committee to collaborate on a overall economic development strategy to help guide our economic initiatives;

And further, that the committee be comprised of one representative from each of, the City of Woodstock Economic Development Department, the Town of Tillsonburg Economic Development Department, the Town of Ingersoll Economic Development Department, the Rural Oxford Economic Development group, SCOR, The Small Business Centre, Community Futures Oxford, and to include the Oxford County Warden and Councillors Schaefer and Wheaton;

And further, this committee is asked to bring forward a report to County Council to provide both a vision or strategy for a sustainable and robust local economy and how all partners can work collaboratively for all areas of Oxford County. This report will be due no later than June 28, 2023.

Deputy Warden Acchione gave notice (NM06-230111) that he will move the following motion as an amendment to the 2023 Business Plan and Budget meeting specifically identified for budget debate (January 11, 2023):

Resolved that the budgeted hybrid pickup trucks as noted on page 159 of the Draft 2023 Budget (Project #'s 25000 and 26000) be moved to future budgets due to lack of supply options and high costs currently seen in the market.

Closed Session Begins


Time  ________

CS (CS) 2023-04


Regarding personal matters about identifiable individuals, including the County or local boards.

Closed Session Ends


Time  ________



Being a By-law to establish an Interim Levy for the year 2023.

Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 290 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the County of Oxford and Robert J. Swayze for the provision of professional services as an Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator in accordance with Section 233.3 as amended, of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25. (the “Act”).

Being a By-law to further amend By-law No. 5936-2017, passed on May 24, 2017, being a By‑law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control.

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.

No Item Selected