21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online


  1. That County Council award Contract WM-02-2024 to Emterra Environmental for a period of seven years commencing May 1, 2027 for the provision of curbside garbage, source separated organics, and large item collection services as outlined in Report PW 2024-44;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize an updated service level for curbside waste collection that includes a 6-day collection cycle (Scenario 5) with County-wide co-collection of garbage and source separated organics and once annual large item collection;
  3. And further, that County Council authorize a two-bag garbage limit per collection day as part of the updated service level for curbside waste collection services;
  4. And further, that County Council authorize continuation of curbside collection services by the City of Woodstock and the Township of South-West Oxford on behalf of the County based on updated service levels and that is financially capped to contract pricing received by the County for these respective collection areas;
  5. And further, that County Council authorize early commencement of source separated organics collection within the City of Woodstock starting in 2026 including early procurement of green bins in 2025 and 2026 in the amount of $1.7 million dollars to be funded from the Landfill and Waste Diversion Reserve;
  6. And further, that County Council authorize single source award of source separated organics processing to Generate Upcycle commencing in 2026 and extending to 2034, based on contract terms as outlined in Report PW 2024-44;
  7. And further, that Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Public Works to execute all documents related to contact award with Emterra Environmental and Generate Upcycle, and municipal service agreements with the City of Woodstock and the Township of South-West Oxford.


  1. That County Council approve the 2025 General Insurance Program proposed by Intact Public Entities at a base premium rate of $2,192,931, plus applicable taxes.


  1. That By-law No. 6694-2024, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of money to meet current expenditures of the County of Oxford for the 2025 fiscal year, be presented to Council for enactment.


  1. That 2025 Oxford County Business Plans be adopted as amended;
  2. And further, that Oxford County Council approves the 2025 Budget with a general purpose levy of $______________;
  3. And further, that Oxford County Council approves a 2025 special levy for Library purposes in the amount of $_______________, levied against all area municipalities with the exception of the City of Woodstock;
  4. And further, that Oxford County Council approves a 2025 special levy to fund a Woodstock Police Services Grant for court security and prisoner transportation services in the amount of $_______________, levied against all area municipalities with the exception of the City of Woodstock;
  5. And further, that a by-law to adopt the 2025 water and wastewater rates as set out in Report CS 2024-39 effective January 1, 2025, be presented to Council for enactment at their regular meeting scheduled for January 8, 2025;
  6. And further, that a by-law to adopt the estimated expenditures for the year 2025 as set out in Report CS 2024-49 be presented to Council for enactment at their regular meeting scheduled for January 8, 2025;
  7. And further, that staff be authorized to proceed with implementing the incremental full-time equivalent positions as presented in the Full-time Equivalent Plan, as part of the 2025 Preliminary Budget Information and further explained in Report CS (CS) 2024-45.

Report CS 2024-39, titled 2025 Water and Wastewater Rates was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 13, 2024.

Report CS 2024-40, titled 2025 Business Plans and Budget was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 13, 2024. 

Report CS 2024-41, titled 2025 Oxford County Library Business Plan and Budget was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 13, 2024.

Report CS 2024-42, titled 2025 Court Security Grant Special Tax Levy was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 13, 2024. 

Report CS (CS) 2024-45 [ Closed Session Document ] was received for discussion purposes by Council on November 13, 2024.



Warden Ryan

Whereas Council passed a resolution at their November 13, 2024 Council meeting directing staff to take all necessary steps to amend the development charge policy and by-law at the earliest date to remove the non-statutory exemption related to industrial buildings, and will allow for the funding provision for the non-statutory exemption to be removed from the draft 2025 budget;

Therefore be it resolved, that the 2025 Business Plan and Budget be amended to remove the funding provision for non-statutory exemptions related to industrial development.

Councillor Gilvesy

Resolved that the following grants be approved in the 2025 County of Oxford Budget in the total amount of $131,500:
Oxford Connection - $50,000
The Oxford Small Business Centre - $50,000
Domestic Abuse Services Oxford - $31,500

Total $131,500

Councillor Martin

Resolved that the ground-mount Solar PV Installation Capital cost of $2,000,000 associated with the Thornton Wellfield Naturalization initiative (NI 2025-01) be removed from the 2025 Business Plan and Budget and that the expenses and revenue associated with the Solar PV portion of the initiative be adjusted.

Councillor Mayberry 

Resolved that the budget request from Public Works for the purchase of a new road grader estimated to cost seven hundred thousand dollars be deferred until County Public Works has a fulsome discussion with the Public Works Service Sharing group to explore the potential for some type of service sharing arrangement that would effectively utilize the current compliment of road graders owned by area municipalities within the County, 

And further, that if there is no viable option for sharing of services, that the County explore the potential purchase of a used grader.

Councillor Mayberry 

Resolved that the three-million-dollar base amount for Affordable Housing, previously established by Oxford County Council, be increased to four million dollars for 2025 and subsequent.

Councillor Petrie 

That the project identified as 930119 CR119 in the 2025 Long-term Capital Plan be moved forward to have the work identified for 2026 and 2027, to be included in the 2025 capital year;

And further that, the work identified for 2028 be moved ahead so that substantial completion of the project can take place in 2027.

And further that an amount be added to the budget to be able to provide resource capacity to manage the project at the new timeline.

Councillor Petrie

That $5,000.00 be added, as a 2025 budget increase, to the 2025 budget for the use of the Accessibility Advisory Committee to promote awareness of the Committee's work and the issue of accessibility across the County. 

See Sections 5 and 4.1 of Procedure By-law No. 6268-2020 as amended.

A one-year term for the position of Deputy Warden and a nomination date of December 11, 2024 were decided upon by open vote at the Inaugural Meeting held November 23, 2022.

To consider report HR (CS) 2024-06 regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. 

Closed Session Begins


HR (CS) 2024-06


Closed Session Ends




Being a By-law to authorize the borrowing of money to meet current expenditures of the Council of the County of Oxford (the "Municipality").

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.