21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the Agenda be approved.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the Council minutes of August 10, 2022 be adopted.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council rise and go into a Public Meeting pursuant to the Planning Act, and that the Warden chair the public meeting.

Time  ________

To present County Council with updates to the water quality policies in the Official Plan specific to protection of the County’s municipal drinking water supplies in accordance with the Clean Water Act (i.e. source protection plans).

* See Report No. CP 2022-329

To consider additional input received in response to draft Amendment No. 285 to the County of Oxford Official Plan with respect to Additional Residential Units in Rural Areas and any additional public input related to the proposed amendments prior to bringing the final amendment back for Council approval at a future meeting.

* See Report  No. CP 2022-332

To consider an Official Plan amendment which proposes to re-designate the subject lands from ‘Low Density Residential’ to ‘Medium Density Residential’ to facilitate the development of 22 street fronting townhouses on lands that have been draft approved for residential development on lands municipally known as 18 Dufferin Street in the Village of Norwich.

* See Report No. CP 2022-340

To consider an Official Plan amendment which proposes to amend the ‘High Density Residential’ designation that currently applies to the subject lands to include a site-specific policy that will facilitate a 12-storey apartment building containing up to 142 dwelling units on lands municipally known as 335 Juliana Drive, Woodstock.

* See Report No. CP 2022-354

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council adjourn the Public Meeting and reconvene as Oxford County Council with the Warden in the chair.

Time  ________

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CP 2022-329, titled "Source Protection Updates to the Official Plan", be adopted.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CP 2022-332, titled "Proposed Amendment to the Official Plan (OP 22-16-9) - Additional Residential Units in Rural Areas", be adopted.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CP 2022-340, titled "Application for Official Plan Amendment - OP 22-09-3 – Winzen Norwich Homes Ltd.", be adopted.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. CP 2022-354, titled "Application for Official Plan Amendment - OP 22-03-8 - Tiffany Development Corporation", be adopted.

Proposed Resolution:

Whereas Rail Safety Week is to be held across Canada from September 19 to 25, 2022;

Whereas it is in the public’s interest to raise citizens’ awareness of the dangers of ignoring safety warnings at level crossings and trespassing on rail property to reduce avoidable deaths, injuries and damage caused by incidents involving trains and citizens;

Whereas Operation Lifesaver is a public/private partnership whose aim is to work with the public, rail industry, governments, police services, media and others to raise rail safety awareness;

Whereas CN has requested County Council adopt this resolution in support of its ongoing efforts to raise awareness, save lives and prevent injuries in communities, including our municipality;

It is hereby resolved that Oxford County Council support national Rail Safety Week to be held from September 19 to 25, 2022.

August 19, 2022
Re: Request for letter of support to Digital Museums of Canada

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that a letter of support be prepared regarding the Woodstock Art Gallery and Oxford County Archives' joint funding application regarding an Emily "Ella" Carlyle (nee Youmans) digital journal exhibition.

The Constitution of Canada requires that federal electoral districts be reviewed after each
decennial (10-year) census to reflect changes and movements in Canada's population. The
current federal redistribution process began in October 2021. It is led by independent
commissions working separately in each province to establish electoral boundaries. The
Chief Electoral Officer is tasked with applying the representation formula found in the
Constitution to determine the new allocation of seats. Elections Canada is also responsible
for providing administrative and technical support to the commissions.
Additional information can be found here:

Home -

Public participation –

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the information regarding the Federal Electoral Boundary Reform be received as information.

September, 2022
Re: 2025 Association of Ontario Road Supervisor's (AORS) Municipal Trade Show

Proposed Resolution:

Whereas the Oxford County Road Supervisors Association is seeking to host the 2025 Association of Ontario Road Supervisor’s (AORS) Municipal Trade Show;

And Whereas this event draws more than 2,000 participants to share information and technical developments related to municipal roads and infrastructure with 200+ exhibitors (300 booths) of public works products and services;

And Whereas this event provides an opportunity to show case the County and local municipalities while providing support to the local economy through accommodations, meals and other related spinoffs;

And Whereas municipal support for the show and public works staff involved in planning, organizing and running the Trade Show is required for it to be successful;

Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the County of Oxford hereby endorses the Oxford County Road Supervisors Association bid for the 2025 AORS Municipal Trade Show;

And further endorses the utilization of public works staff to assist with planning, organizing and running the 2025 AORS Municipal Trade Show. 


  1. That Oxford County Council approve application OP 22-17-9 to amend Chapter 3, Section – Water Quality, of the County Official Plan, to update the County’s source protection policies;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 282 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 282 be raised.

* See Item 5.3


  1. That Oxford County Council direct that Planning staff consider any additional input received in response to the attached draft Amendment No. 285 to the County of Oxford Official Plan and bring back a final draft of the amendment, with any necessary revisions, for Council’s consideration at a future meeting;
  2. And further, that County Council direct that Planning staff consult with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) to determine the most appropriate process to incorporate the necessary amendments to Section 3.1 – Agricultural Land Resource with respect to Additional Residential Units, while OPA 269 (Agricultural Policy Updates) is still undergoing review by MMAH;
  3. And further, that Report No. CP 2022-332 be circulated to the Area Municipalities for information.

* See Item 5.4


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application No. OP 22-09-3, submitted by Girard Engineering on behalf of Norwich Winzen Homes Ltd. for lands described as Part of Lot 9, Concession 5 (North Norwich), Lot 109 and Part of Lots 108 & 110, Plan 226 in the Village of Norwich, to re-designate the subject lands from ‘Low Density Residential’ to ‘Medium Density Residential’ to facilitate the construction of 22 street fronting townhouses;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 283 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 283 be raised.

* See Item 5.5


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application No. OP 22-03-8 submitted by Tiffany Development Corporation, for lands described as Part Block 137, Plan 41M234, Part 3, 41R8712 in the City of Woodstock, to amend the current High Density Residential designation that applies to the lands to increase the density of development to facilitate the establishment of a 12-storey residential apartment building with up to 142 units;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 284 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 284 be raised.

* See Item 5.6


  1. That County Council receive Report No. HS 2022-06, entitled “Canada Wide Early Learning Child Care System Update,” as information.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. HS 2022-06, titled “Canada Wide Early Learning Child Care System Update”, be adopted.


  1. That Council receive report HR 2022-06 entitled “Employee Turnover and Workload Data” as information.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. HR 2022-06, titled “Employee Turnover and Workload Data”, be adopted.



Re: Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study - Phase 1 & 2 Notice of Public Consultation Centre #1 (Virtual), Oxford County

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study - Phase 1 & 2 Notice of Public Consultation Centre #1 regarding the Oxford County 2024 Water and Wastewater Master Plan be received as information.

Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council rise and go into a Closed Session to consider Report No. HS (CS) 2022-05 and HR (CS) 2022-07 regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the County or local board and labour relations or employee negotiations.

Time  ________

Closed Session Begins


Time  ________

HS (CS) 2022-05


HR (CS) 2022-07


Closed Session Ends


Proposed Resolution:

Resolved that Council reconvene in Open Session.

Time  ________

Resolved that the recommendations contained in Report No. HS (CS) 2022-05 be adopted.

Resolved that the recommendation contained in Report No. HR (CS) 2022-07 be adopted.



Being a by-law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control.

Being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 282 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 283 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a by-law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control.

Being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 284 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.

Proposed Resolutions:

Resolved that the following by-laws be now read a first and second time: 6464-2022 to 6467-2022 inclusive and 6469-2022 to 6470-2022 inclusive.

Resolved that the following by-laws be now given a third and final reading: 6464-2022 to 6467-2022 inclusive and 6469-2022 to 6470-2022 inclusive.