21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

The Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision proposes six residential blocks consisting of 34 townhouse units to be serviced by municipal water and wastewater services, in the Village of Tavistock.

*See Report CP 2025-02

The Application for Official Plan Amendment proposes to redesignate the subject lands from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential to permit the renovation of a former cluster living home to a nine-unit multiple attached dwelling unit, in the City of Woodstock.

*See Report CP 2025-03

The Application for Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision propose to facilitate the development of an industrial plan of subdivision comprising six blocks for industrial uses, one commercial block, one servicing block, four blocks for environmental features, one block for road widening, and three 0.3 m reserve blocks, to be served by two new local streets, in the City of Woodstock.

*See Report CP 2025-04

The Application for Official Plan Amendment is to amend the existing site specific ‘Service Commercial’ policies that apply to the subject lands to include a medical office, consisting of a hearing aid clinic, as a permitted use, in the Town of Ingersoll. 

*See Report CP 2025-05


  1. That Oxford County Council grant draft approval to the proposed plan of subdivision, Application SB 23-03-2 submitted by 2825085 Ontario Inc. for lands described as Part Lot 126, Plan 307, Parts 1 and 2, 41R-10235, Township of East Zorra-Tavistock, in the Village of Tavistock, subject to the conditions attached to this report as Attachment 6 (Schedule ‘A’) being met prior to final approval.

    *See Item 5.3


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application No. OP 22-05-8 submitted by 1000049811 Ontario Inc., for lands described as Plan 63, Lots 1 and 2 e/s Wilson, Part Lots 1 and 2 n/s Frances in the City of Woodstock, to redesignate the subject lands from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 328 to the County of Oxford Official Plan;
  3. And further, that the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 328 be raised.

    *See Item 5.4


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Official Plan Application OP 23-11-8, submitted by 2729902 Ontario Inc., for lands described as Part Lot 9, Concession 1 (Blandford) in the City of Woodstock, to redesignate the lands from Business Park to Traditional Industrial and Service Commercial and to revise the boundaries of the Environmental Protection designation;


  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 329 to the County of Oxford Official Plan and raise the necessary by-law to approve Amendment No. 329;


  3. And further, that Oxford County Council grant draft approval to the proposed industrial plan of subdivision, submitted by 2729902 Ontario Inc. (SB 23-06-8), prepared by Gagnon Walker Domes Limited, for the lands described Part of Lot 9, Concession 1 (Blandford), in the City of Woodstock, subject to the conditions attached to this report as Attachment 5 (Schedule “A”) being met prior to final approval.

    *See Item 5.5


  1. That Oxford County Council approve Application OP 24-11-6, submitted by Clarke Commercial Shopping Centre Inc., for the lands described as Part Lot 19, Concession 1, West Oxford, in the Town of Ingersoll, to amend the site specific ‘Service Commercial’ policies that apply to the subject lands to permit the establishment of a medical office, consisting of a hearing aid clinic, with a maximum size of 120 m2 (1,291.7 ft2);
  2. And further, that Oxford County Council approve the attached Amendment No. 330 to the County Official Plan, and that the necessary By-law to approve Amendment No. 330 be raised.

    *See Item 5.6


  1. That Oxford County Council receive Report PW 2025-01 entitled “Amendments to Bill 212, Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024, Environmental Registry of Ontario Posting 019-9266” as information.


  1. That County Council authorize Public Works staff to proceed with the preferred alternative solution which includes the preferred well location at Test Well 3 (TW3) and the preferred design Concept 6a, two-stage pumping with on-ground storage, iron and manganese filtration, and split-stream IX treatment for the Tavistock New Well Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study (Class EA) as summarized in Report PW 2025-02;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize Public Works staff to issue a Notice of Completion and post the Schedule C Environmental Study Report for the new Well supply in the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock in the public record for 30 days in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class EA process.


  1. That County Council authorize Public Works staff to proceed with Alternative 4b – to construct a new larger Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) that can deliver the required capacity at a new location on the Oxford County Wastewater Treatment Plant property adjacent to the Tavistock Wastewater Treatment Plant Lagoons, as the preferred alternative solution for the William Street SPS Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study as summarized in Report PW 2025-03;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize Public Works staff to issue a Notice of Completion and post the Schedule B Class EA Study project file report for the William Street SPS in the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock to the public record for 30 days in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class EA process.


  1. That County Council authorize the single source purchase of five land ambulances to Crestline Coach Ltd. for a total estimated cost of $1,270,740 (excluding HST), pursuant to Section 7.3 of the County’s Purchasing Policy 6.07, as a single source purchase as outlined in Report PS 2025-01;
  2. And further, the County Council authorize the transfer of $29,463 from the Paramedic Services – Capital Reserve to fund the budget shortfall in 2025;
  3. And further, that County Council authorize single source purchases of new ambulances from Crestline Coach Ltd for a period of five years, effective January 1, 2025, pending approval of the annual Paramedic Services Business Plan and Budgets;
  4. And further, that Council authorize the CAO and Director of Paramedic Services to sign the necessary agreements related hereto.


  1. That Report CS 2025-01 titled “Oxford County Anniversaries” be received as information.


  1. That By-law 6698-2025, being a by-law to provide for an interim tax levy for purposes of the County of Oxford for the 2025 fiscal year, be presented to Council for enactment.

Deferred December 11, 2024 


  1. That County Council award Contract WM-02-2024 to Emterra Environmental for a period of seven years commencing May 1, 2027 for the provision of curbside garbage, source separated organics, and large item collection services as outlined in Report PW 2024-44;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize an updated service level for curbside waste collection that includes a 6-day collection cycle (Scenario 5) with County-wide co-collection of garbage and source separated organics and once annual large item collection;
  3. And further, that County Council authorize a two-bag garbage limit per collection day as part of the updated service level for curbside waste collection services;
  4. And further, that County Council authorize continuation of curbside collection services by the City of Woodstock and the Township of South-West Oxford on behalf of the County based on updated service levels and that is financially capped to contract pricing received by the County for these respective collection areas;
  5. And further, that County Council authorize early commencement of source separated organics collection within the City of Woodstock starting in 2026 including early procurement of green bins in 2025 and 2026 in the amount of $1.7 million dollars to be funded from the Landfill and Waste Diversion Reserve;
  6. And further, that County Council authorize single source award of source separated organics processing to Generate Upcycle commencing in 2026 and extending to 2034, based on contract terms as outlined in Report PW 2024-44;
  7. And further, that Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Public Works to execute all documents related to contact award with Emterra Environmental and Generate Upcycle, and municipal service agreements with the City of Woodstock and the Township of South-West Oxford.



Whereas Oxford Council has previously adopted a 100% Housed Commitment, Housing for All Plan, Master Housing Strategy, and later this year will receive reports on a Homelessness Response Strategy and a Homelessness Service Centre with a focus on transitioning people out of homelessness; and,

Whereas our residents experience housing on a continuum from unhoused to emergency shelter, etc. all the way to market rental or ownership; and,

Whereas in some cases the need or opportunity for housing may change depending on varying circumstances, and in order to maximize the effectiveness of our previously stated policies our staff need to be empowered to act on a range of housing and homelessness options and opportunities.

Therefore, be it resolved that the entire County annual base contribution to the Affordable Housing Reserve be utilized to support the creation of various housing options across the housing continuum consistent with all current housing policies and strategies.



Being a By-law to establish water and wastewater rates for various systems in Oxford County for the calendar year 2025, commencing January 1, 2025.

Being a by-law to adopt the estimated expenditure for the year 2025.

Being a By-law to establish an Interim Levy for the year 2025.

Being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 328 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 330 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 329 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.

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