21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

Proposal to include a site-specific development policy to permit accessory overnight accommodations on an existing Recreationally zoned property within the Agricultural Reserve on lands municipally known as 324183 Mount Elgin Road in South-West Oxford.

*See Report CP 2024-76

Re: Request for Support for Auto Mayor's Group for Large Automotive Taxation Revamp


  1. That Oxford County Council approve the application for Official Plan Amendment, File No. OP 22-21-4, submitted by 2141632 Ontario Inc. (The Oxford Hills) for the lands legally described as Pt. Lot 8 & 9, Conc. 4, (Dereham) Township of South-West Oxford to apply a site-specific Agricultural policy to the subject property as to facilitate the development of up to twenty-four (24) single-room cottages and one (1) building for overnight staff accommodations, accessory to the existing recreation uses;
  2. And further, that Council approve the attached Amendment No. 313 to the County of Oxford Official Plan, and that the necessary By-law to Approve Amendment No. 313 be raised.


* See Item 5.3


  1. That County Council award Contract PW-F-24-03 to the low bidder, Premier Truck Group of London, in the amount of $1,341,297 (excluding HST) for three tandem snow plow trucks as outlined in Report PW 2024-11;


  2. And further, that County Council authorize the transfer of $87,000 from the Fleet Reserve to fund the budget shortfall to award the contract for the procurement of three tandem snow plow trucks;


  3. And further, that County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Public Works to sign all documents related thereto.



  1. That County Council award a contract to the low bidder, Oxford Civil Group Inc., in the amount of $4,382,218 (excluding HST) for the reconstruction of Oxford Road 16 (Kintore to 27th Line) in the Township of Zorra;


  2. And further, that County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Public Works to sign all documents related hereto.



  1. That County Council approve the update to the Water Capacity Buy-Back Program as outlined in Report PW 2024-13.





  1. The Council approve Oxford County’s receipt of Tourism Growth Program (TGP) funding, pending grant application success;
  2. And further, that Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer and/or Director of Corporate Services to sign all documents related thereto.



  1. That Report CS 2024-08 entitled “Oxford County Archives 2023 Community Impact Report” be received as information.
  1. That the Local Services Policy 6.23, as attached to Report CS 2024-09, be approved and included in the County’s General Policy Manual;
  2. That the Development Charge Exemption Policy 6.24, as attached to Report CS 2024-09, be approved and included in the County’s General Policy Manual;
  3. That the Development Charge Interest Policy 6.25, as attached to Report CS 2024-09, be approved and included in the County’s General Policy Manual;
  4. That County Council confirms that the following provisions be included in the draft updated County development charge by-laws:
  1. Policy standards
  1. annual indexing of development charges on June 13 of each year;
  2. expression of residential and non-residential development charge rates;
  3. default collection point of development charges at time of building permit, unless otherwise provided for through agreement; and
  4. front-ending and service in lieu agreements.

     b. Non-statutory exemptions

  1. non-residential farm buildings;
  2. places of worship;
  3. public hospitals;
  4. Central Business Districts and Entrepreneurial Districts as designated in the Official Plan;
  5. long term care homes;
  6. temporary dwelling units;
  7. temporary structures; and
  8. private schools.


  1. That consideration of a 2024 tax policy and rates by-law be given at the Council meeting scheduled for April 10, 2024, that establishes:
    1. Tax Ratios;
    2. Tax Rate Reductions for Prescribed Property Subclasses;
    3. Tax Rates for Upper Tier Purposes;
  2. And further, that Council reaffirm tax policy previously established by By-law No. 5912-2017, being a by-law to provide a Financial Hardship Program with a minor amendment to Schedule “A” as described herein;
  3. And further, that Council reaffirm tax policy previously established by By-law No. 5913-2017, being a by-law to establish a tax rebate program for the purpose of providing relief from taxes or amounts paid on account of taxes on eligible property occupied by eligible charities and similar organizations with a minor amendment to Appendix “A” as described herein.





Being a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 313 to the County of Oxford Official Plan.

Being a By-Law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control.

Being a By-Law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control.

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.

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