21 Reeve Street, Woodstock and online

To seek Council’s support to amend the CCIP, to include an Affordable Housing Incentive Program that supports the proposed County planning application waiver.

* See Report No. CP 2023-87

To consider a draft plan of subdivision to facilitate six lots for single detached dwellings and an internal road connecting Elgin Street East to Emma Street in the Village of Princeton.

* See Report No. CP 2023-90

Dirk Boogerd, President
Re: Presentation of the Agricultural Hall of Fame Award

United Sikhs
Re: Sikh Heritage Month

March 3, 2023
Re: Collaboration for Multi-Service Co-Builds


  1. That County Council approve By-law No. 6520-2023, being a by-law to amend the County Community Improvement Plan dated September 12, 2018, to include an Affordable Housing Incentive Program that exempts such housing from applicable County planning application fees;
  2. And further, that Council approve By-law No. 6521-2023, being a by-law to designate the whole of the County a ‘Community Improvement Project Area’, for the purpose of administering the Affordable Housing Incentive Program contained in the County Community Improvement Plan;
  3. And further, that Report No. CP 2023-87 be circulated to Area Municipalities for information and consideration of similar local affordable housing incentives.

* See Item 5.2


  1. That Oxford County Council grant draft approval to a proposed residential plan of subdivision submitted by 2498298 Ontario Ltd. (SB 22-09-1), prepared by Brantwood Construction Surveying, dated October 11, 2022, for lands described as Lots 82-87, 95-98, Part Lot 99, Plan 99, Parts of Elgin Street, Church Street, Wonham Street, Part Lot 12, Concession 1, in the Township of Blandford-Blenheim, subject to the conditions attached to this report as Attachment No. 5 being met prior to final approval.

* See Item 5.3


  1. That County Council endorse the implementation of additional traffic calming measures in Drumbo (Oxford Road 3, Oxford Road 29), Plattsville (Oxford Road 8), Bright (Oxford Road 8, Oxford Road 22) and Harrington (Oxford Road 28) as described in Report No. PW 2023-17;
  2. And further, that a by-law be presented to County Council at the April 12, 2023 Council meeting to amend By-law No. 5725-2015 to designate and modify speed zone limits as outlined in Report No. PW 2023-17;
  3. And further, that County Council authorize staff to modify the existing median island configuration on Oxford Road 8 in Plattsville as an additional traffic calming measure for pilot evaluation.


  1. That County Council receive Report No. PW 2023-18 entitled “2022 Annual Waste Management Reports” as information.


  1. That Oxford County Council award a contract to the low bidder, J-AAR Excavating Limited, in the amount of $4,997,357 (excluding HST) for the reconstruction of Oxford Road 59 (Wilson Street) from Adelaide Street to the Canadian National Railway tracks in the City of Woodstock;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize additional funding in the amount of $200,000 to address the 2023 budget shortfall for 960153 – Woodstock Water Linear County Road Projects, as outlined in Report No. PW 2023-19, to be financed from the Water – Woodstock Reserve;
  3. And further, that County Council authorize additional funding in the amount of $30,000 to address the 2023 budget shortfall for 950174 – Woodstock Wastewater Linear County Road Projects, as outlined in Report No. PW 2023-19, to be financed from the Wastewater – Woodstock Reserve;
  4. And further, that County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Public Works to sign all documents related hereto.


  1. That County Council award a contract to Landmark Municipal Services ULC in the amount of $2,492,900 (excluding HST) for the rehabilitation of the Norwich Water Tower in the Township of Norwich;
  2. And further, that County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Public Works to sign all documents related hereto.


  1. That County Council approve a Community Paramedicine Mill Street Station Space Renovation Project as described in Report No. PW 2023-21, for an estimated cost of $31,000, fully funded by Community Paramedicine Funding.




  1. That Report No. CAO 2023-02 entitled “2023 Strategic Planning Project” be received;
  2. And further, that Council authorizes staff to proceed with engaging StrategyCorp Inc. to facilitate the County’s 2023 strategic plan project as described herein.


  1. That Report No. CS 2023-10 entitled “Municipal Modernization Projects Update – 2023” be received for information.





Being a by-Law to amend By-law Number 5510-2013, as amended, to adopt a County of Oxford Community Improvement Plan.

Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 5511-2013, as amended, to designate the entirety of the lands located within the County as a Community Improvement Project Area for the propose of administering an Affordable Housing Incentive Program.

Being a by-law to appoint a Chief Administrative Officer for the County of Oxford.

Being a By-Law to amend By-law No. 6440-2022, being a By-law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control.

Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed.

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